Faset is a desktop platform to help employees of mid to large sized companies better understand, access and enjoy their Lifestyle Savings Accounts wellness benefits. They would be able to earn points to cash them in at partnering retailers and could also expense items into their accounts.
Facet was created by a group of three team members:
Kayla Haselein: Project Manager
Ashley Bragg: UX Designer
Raul Flores: UX Researcher

Work life balance
is so important, especially in the remote working environment so many have found themselves in today. So many are working in the middle of all of the hustle and bustle of home life which can have a negative impact on productivity as well as their physical, mental and emotional wellness.

Not only did we know this,
we were living it as well. So we set out on the journey to see how we could best improve this situation.
We decided to tackle mid to large sized companies with Lifestyle Savings Accounts because they fit with our problem the best.
What is a Lifestyle Savings Account?
Lifestyle Spending Accounts (LSA) are a means for employers to help their employees pay for health and wellness expenses, and sometimes other costs that aren’t typically covered under a group health plan.
Employers who offer an LSA choose what expenses get reimbursed and how much each employee gets.
With this in mind,
we conducted user interviews to identify our user needs and to better understand how our users currently navigate their work-life balance.
We found that 50% of our participants felt that their lives were pretty balanced while the other 50% were more geared towards work.
When asked to rank physical, emotional and financial wellness, 100% said emotional first and emotional and financial was split 50/50 for second place.
We asked about our participant hobbies and found that there was a healthy mix of outdoor and relaxing activities.
After receiving all of the feedback,
we created three personas: Balanced Blake, Unbalanced Ursula and HR Harry. All three represented a different prospective user that could be using the product we were going to be building and how we could best help them. We created the user, an empathy map, a user scenario, and a journey map to really get into the mind of each person to have the best understanding we could.
Now that we better understood our users,
we developed a list of features we wanted to include. This list included
5:00/5:30/6:00 and lunch time classes cheaper/free “Quiet quit for yoga class”
Group / team activities
Input outside expenses
LSA card
Using a similar model as in network providers. Use partners to gain points over time.
Check card balance
Points earn:
Money off for favorite classes
Money off for lunch time activities
More PTO
Money/tickets for family vacations
We also started to play around with design exploration.

We then continued on in the process,
by creating workflows to figure out how we wanted our users to flow through the app as easy as possible. We created three tasks: Onboarding, viewing offered benefits and posting to community.


Viewing offered benefits

Posting to community

Next, we started wireframes.
We designed three flows, one for each task and tested it in usability testing with 6 participants.
We asked them to complete a SUS Usability Survey and scored an 83 which is above average.
We received very positive feedback overall, but did realize we needed to make a few changes:
Add more explanation for Faset points and how to use them
Differentiate the Shop and expense flow more
Completely change the community flow
Users liked the idea, but said they wouldn't use it.

We then got back to the drawing board.
If users like the idea of a community but wouldn't use it, how else could we increase engagement? Our answer was to implement an all new integration feature. Users would be able to track their personal wellness with the apps that they had connected to Faset. The stats that were being tracked would be highlighted on the dashboard to motivate the user to keep going.

Final Iteration
With all of the feedback we had received, we were able to make the necessary changes to create the final wireframes. There are still three tasks: onboarding, viewing offered benefits and integrating apps.
Next Steps
Conduct another round of usability testing to see if our changes are successful
Start to introduce more detailed features to Faset.
Present Faset to stakeholders to gain funds to produce it.
Bring Faset to developers to start building the product.
Sell Faset to organizations to ensure better work-life balance for employees.