We created an app to make the job of EMT's easier. The app features any information gathered from the initial 911 call, a place to take handwritten notes about the accident and patients, a place to take pictures of the scene and upload EKG's and allows all of this information to be sent to the hospital. Medicus also logs each call and all of the filled out information.
Medicus was created by a group of four team members:
Kayla Haselein: Visual Design / UX Prototyper
Jasmine Ana: Team Lead / UX Prototyper
Isha Ray: Product Designer
Madeline Walz: UX Copywriter

When arriving at the scene of an emergency,
EMS have a very important job to do but they usually aren't given a lot of information. Most of the information has to be gathered at the location and the most successful outcome is expected.
EMT Journey
911 operator receives call and notifies the next available ambulance. The operator gives the accident location & minimal patient information.
Emergency Medical Service (EMS) teams are enroute to the accident site
At the scene , EMTs & paramedics will evaluate patients. Accident scene notes & pictures are taken for the hospital & authorities.
Once evaluated, patients are taken to the hospital in order of severity. Paramedics will try to get any and all information from the patient.
EMTs & paramedics will treat the patient following their plan until they reach the hospital.
How Might We
improve the ineffective communication between teams when receiving and relaying information?

37 years old
Brewster, MA
EMT - Paramedic
Married, 3 Kids
Steve Whittiker
Pain Points:
Works 16 - 36 hour shifts
Limited information
Limited time
Limited resources
Ineffective communication
Efficient patient care
Patient safety
Patient trust
Effective communication (with patient and hospital)

Focus Area
Build an ecosystem that works to better the communication from the cabin EMT to the driver of the ambulance, and in turn to the hospital.
An infared camera with AI technology accompanied by a tablet and application
Sprint 1:
App MVP (mid-fi wireframes)
ease of use/intuitiveness
validation of features
desired features
practical use of application
validation for sizing/desired size
Sprint 2:
Camera (on tablet)
validation of feature
Camera (inside ambulance)
hidden version/non-hidden
level of aid given
validation of feature
Sprint 3:
Communication System
ease of use / intuitiveness
practical application
level of aid given
validation of feature
During the first sprint,
we received a lot of great feedback.
add acronymns for easier recognition:
SAMPLE (signs & symptoms, allergies, medications, past medical history, last oral intake, events)
OPQRST (onset, provocation, quality, radiates, severity, time)
add to database for autofill frequent flyers
add traffic feature

During the second sprint,
the changes we made were received well and we were able to receive more feedback on the app and camera.
tablet camera placement is convenient
make sure cabin camera doesn’t block light
typically type notes instead of handwriting them
“send to hospital” needs to be its own button
iPad pro 11” best size – almost same as paper
During the third and final sprint,
the changes we made were received well and we were able to receive more feedback on the app and camera.
EMT ID and password
heart rate & pulse oximetry
EKG chart picture
camera on ceiling disguised as vent
combine scene and ambulance notes into one

After all of the feedback,
we made the final changes and created the final wireframes and camera.
The app has light and dark mode and the camera is disguised as a vent on the ceiling of the ambulance.
How does the camera work?
The camera in the cabin of the ambulance and on the back of the tablet both have infrared scanners and are able to detect patient conditions naked to the human eye. This includes pregnancy, internal bleeding, broken bones and much more. After the scans are complete, they are inputed into the app as suggestions to the EMT for further and more optimal care for the patient.
Final Walkthrough
Here is a look at what the app would be like when in use.