The goal for this project was to raise awareness and bring to light the importance of health insurance for people with ore-existing conditions. These people can not control getting these conditions and insurance companies are trying not to provide them with affordable and helpful insurance. Without the medication and supplies needed, these people could die, and a lot are due to not being able to afford their out-of-pocket costs.
One4All is one event for all causes. It would be an event held in each state at the same day at the same time as close to the capitals as they can safely get. This is so the cause can not be ignored. It may be an inconvenience for the people around and not involved, but imagine what these people have to go through on a daily basis.

The poster would be hung and shown in areas in and around the event to bring attention to the cause and give a quick summary at a glance.

The home page opens to a big image and big red letters to intrigue the viewer to scroll down the rest of the page. As they scroll they get more information about pre-existing conditions; what they are and how it affects everyone.

The conditions and symptoms page features the thirty-one most common pre-existing conditions. When clicked on, the user will get a summary and some symptoms to look out for.
The our stories page features a total of five stories. Each story has the person's picture, age, pre-existing condition and their struggle.

The insurance page will allow the user to select their state and see the insurances that fully cover pre-existing conditions at an affordable rate.

The blogs page features current articles and updates that impact people with pre-existing conditions. The community page features groups and forums for everyone to ask and answer question and talk about their daily struggles.
The letters to congress page allows the user to enter their zip code to find their state and county's representatives. When clicked on, the user will get a short bio and the ability to decide if they want to send them a letter.