HGTV Magazine
Magazine Design | Logo Redesign
The task at hand for this project was to choose a popular magazine and redesign it. I chose to redesign HGTV’s 2019 Issue #26. HGTV is primarily a home improvement and real estate channel, inspiring millions with ideas on how to create their dream homes.
For the logo redesign, I chose to create a more square layout. The letters were placed into a house to represent the viewers who had taken inspiration from the channel and used it within their own homes. For the article, I simplified the layout and chose a few kew quotes to include instead of the large amount from the original. Using imagery was very important in the design of the article because it solidifies what is being talked about by the author and the designers.
DISCLAIMER: This is a student work project, the design and copy is in no way connected to, produced by, or endorsed by HGTV.

For the logo redesign, I chose to create a more square layout. The letters were placed into a house to represent the viewers who had taken inspiration from the channel and used it within their own homes. The color of the 'HGTV' letters will change from issue to issue to match the cover.